Friday, June 29, 2018

Field Fixed OR Related Field Fixed In AX 2012

Conditional relations are used to filter records in parent or related table. We can define conditional relations by specifying fields in a table relation as:

  • Field Fixed    OR
  • Related Field Fixed

Consider a scenario of a call center. The operator’s responsibility is to receive calls and get the orders for a shoe store. The operator first has to determine whether the order is of men’s, women’s or kid’s collection. Once the collection is determined then the operator has to determine which particular shoes the customer is ordering. It would be easier for the operator if the system filters shoes records based on the collection type [Men, Women, Kids]. In this situation conditional relations using a Field Fixed method fits the solution.

First, we will be creating two base enums such that CollectionType is like [Men(0), Women(1), Kids(2)]:


Then we will be creating three tables respectively for Men’s, Women’s and Kids’ collection. Note that all the three tables share the same set of fields:


Then we will be creating the final table for storing Orders. Two important fields must be added to the orders table in order to get benefit from conditional relations:

  1. ArticleCode                – To lookup records into three different collection tables
  2. CollectionTypeId    – To distinguish table relations defined for the collection tables


You can see in the picture how three relations have been defined. Each relation contains two fields, one used for determining the collection type and the other mapping to the respective collection’s Article Code field. Once all this is done, then now the system filters records for the user depending on the collection type the user has selected. See below how the system shows records from the men’s collection when CollectionType is set to ‘Men’:


Below is an example of CollectionType set to ‘Women’:


Below is an example of CollectionType set to ‘Kids’:


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