Friday, June 29, 2018

Using Field Groups when Creating New Fields in Dynamics AX

When adding new fields to existing or new tables in Dynamics AX it is recommended that you use Field groups. The function of the Field Groups is to group the fields of the table in a logical grouping. The largest advantage to them is in the design of the form where that data will be used or updated. When you use field groups you are able to easily add that group of fields to a form or report in one step. You are also able to add a label to that group of fields.
To get to the Field Groups node expand the Tables node in the AOT. Navigate to the table in the AOT and expand that table to access the Field Groups node.
Creating new field groups in dynamics AX

To create a field group in Dynamics AX:

1.       Locate the table that you need to add the field group to in the AOT and expand that node.
2.       Right-click the Field Groups, and then select New Group
3.       Right-click the new field group, click the Properties, and then type a name for the field group in the Name property.
Creating new field groups in dynamics AX
4.       Open the table in a new AOT window by right-clicking on the table and selecting Open New Window.  Then expand the Fields node.
AOT Field groups

5.       From the new window, drag fields from the Fields node onto your new field group.
AOT Data dictionary tables

6.       Save the updated version

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