Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Form Templates in AX 2012

A primary focus in Dynamics AX 2012 was to increase a developer's productivity by automating common tasks. As part of this initiative, a new feature was introduced in Dynamics AX 2012 in the AOT. This is the creation of new forms using form templates. 

If you right click on the form node, you can see an extra option there - New Form from template

As seen in the image above, you have an option to create seven different form based on the pre-defined templates, these are
  • ListPage
  • DetailsFormMaster
  • DetailsFormTransaction
  • SimpleListDetails
  • SimpleList
  • TableOfContents
  • Dialog
  • DropDialog

Form: redesigned forms – a brand new look in Axapta 2012. 
form is a window that you open from the Microsoft Dynamics AX client workspace that shows information and enables you to perform actions. 
For example, the following figure shows the form you use to view and enter information about a customer. Notice how the form has tabs, fields, and buttons that you can use to view, update, and perform actions with a customer record. 

Form Templates:

To create a form that implements a design pattern, you use a form template.
The template generates a new form that has the basic structure and components specified by the design pattern.
The template reduces the number of steps that you have to complete to create the new form.

List page: Use the template to create a list page you can use to find, analyze, and performs actions on master data.

Example: CustTableListPage To open this form: Under Accounts Receivable, click Common > Customers > All Customers.

DetailsFormMaster(Detail form): Use the template to create a Details form to view, edit, and act on master data.

Example: CustTable. To open this form: Under Accounts Receivable, click Common > Customers > All Customers,and then double-click an entry in the list.

DetailsFormTransaction (Details form with lines): Use the template to create details form with lines to view, edit, and act on master data that has line items.

Example: SalesTable. To open this form: Under Accounts Receivable, click Common > Sales Orders > All Sales Orders, and then double-click an entry in the list.

Dialog: Use the template to create a dialog window that provides a response to a question.

Example: DirPartyQuickCreateForm .To open this form: Under Accounts Receivable, click Common > Customers > All Customers. On the Action pane, in the New group, click Customer.

DropDialog: Use the template to create a drop dialog form to perform an action with data.

Example: Hcm Worker NewWorker. To open this form: Under Human Resources, click Common > Workers > Workers. On the Action pane, in the New group, click Hire New Worker.

Simple List: View, enter, and update records that appear as a list of records in a grid.

Example: CustGroup. To open this form: Under Accounts Receivable, click Setup > Customers > Customer Groups.

SimpleListDetails: Use the template to create a simple list and details form to view, edit, and act on dependent and reference data.

Example: CustPosting To open this form: Under Accounts Receivable, click Setup > Customer Posting Profiles.

TableOfContents: Use the template to create a table of contents form to view and edit configuration or setup data.

Example: Cust Parameters To open this form: Under Accounts Receivable, click Setup > Accounts Receivable Parameters.


MethodsYou add or override X++ methods for the form. You can use X++ to customize the appearance and behavior of the form.

Data Sources: You specify the database query, table, or view that the form uses to retrieve the data that appears in the form.

Parts: You add Parts that appear on the form. A Part is a specialized type of control that provides information related to the record that appears in the form. List pages and details forms have a FactBox pane or preview pane where the Parts appear.

Designs: You add the controls that appear on the form to the Design node of the form.

Permissions: You specify access levels for the securable objects that appear in the form.

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