Friday, July 27, 2018

Basic Important SQL Keywords in Ax 2012

Keyword                                  Example
ascSet the sorting order to ascending. All selects are default 
data ascending.
Syntax: select custTable order by accountNum asc;
descSet the sorting order to descending. Used in combination with 
order by or group by.
Syntax: select custTable order by name desc;
AX Example: See table method CustTable.lastPayment().
avgSelect uses aggregate keyword (avg) using only one call to the
 database calculating a result based on multiple records
Syntax: select avg(amountMST) from custTrans;
AX Example: See class method KMKnowledgeCollectorStatisticsExecute.runQuery().
countAggregate keyword used to count the number of records
Syntax: select count(recId) from custTrans;
AX Example: See class method KMKnowledgeCollectorStatisticsExecute.runQuery().
sumAggregate keyword used to sum values of a field fetched.
Syntax: select sum(amountMST) from custTrans;
AX Example: See class method KMKnowledgeCollectorStatisticsExecute.runQuery().
maxofAggregate keyword used to return the highest field value 
Syntax: select maxOf(amountMST) from custTrans;
AX Example: See class method KMKnowledgeCollectorStatisticsExecute.runQuery().
minofAggregate keyword used to return the lowest field value fetched.
Syntax: select minOf(amountMST) from custTrans;
AX Example: See class method KMKnowledgeCollectorStatisticsExecute.runQuery().
delete_fromWill delete multiple records in one call to the database.
delete_from myTable where myTable.amountMST <='1000';
AX Example
See class method InventCostCleanUp.updateDelSettlement().
exists joinExists join is used to fetch records where at least one record
 in the secondary table matches the join expression.
No records will be fetched from the secondary table using 

exists join.
Syntax: while select custTable exists join custTrans
where custTable.accountNum == custTrans.accountNum
AX Example
See class method InventAdj_Cancel.cancelInventSettlements().
notexists joinOpposite of exists join. Will fetch records from the primary table, 
where no records in the secondary table match the join expression.
Syntax: while select custTable notexists join custTrans
where custTable.accountNum == custTrans.accountNum
AX Example
See class method
outer joinOuter join will select records from both tables regardless 
if there are any records in the secondary table matching the
 join expression.
Syntax: while select custTable outer join custTrans
AX Example: See class method SysHelpStatistics.doTeams().
joinJoin will fetch Records matching the join expression from 
both tables. (inner join)
Syntax: while select custTable join custTrans
where custTable.accountNum == custTrans.accountNum
AX Example: See table method SalesTable.LastConfirm().
firstfastInstruct to select the first record faster. used in situations 
where only one record is shown, like in a dialog.
Syntax: select firstfast custTable order by accountNum;
AX Example
See class method ProjPeriodCreatePeriod.dialog().
firstonlyFirst record will be selected. Firstonly should always be
 used when not using while in selects.
select firstonly custTable where custTable.AccountNum 
== _custAccount (variable)
AX Example: See Table method CustTable.find().
forupdateUsed If records in a select are to be updated
Syntax: while select forupdate reqTransBOM where reqTransBOM.ReqPlanId    ==  this.ReqPlanId
AX Example
See Table method ReqTrans.deleteExplosionCoverage().
fromDefault all fields of a table is selected. From is used to
 select only the fields specified.
Use it for optimization only, as it makes the code more complex.
Syntax: select accountNum, name from custTable;

group bySort the fetched data group by the fields specified. 
Only the fields specified in the group by will be fetched.
Syntax: while select custTable group by custGroup;
AX Example: See class method InventStatisticsUS.calcTotals().
indexUsed to set the sorting order of the fetched data. 
The kernel will convert the keyword index to an order by
 using the fields from the index.
Index should only be used if the fetched data must 

be sorted in a specific way, as the database will choose a proper index.
Syntax: while select custTable index accountIdx.
index hintIndex hint will force the database to use the specified index.
Syntax: while select custTable index hint accountIdx.
AX Example: See Table method ReqTrans.deleteExplosionCoverage().
insert_recordsetUsed to insert multiple records in a table. Insert_recordset
 is useful when copying data from one table to another as
 it only requires one call to the database
Syntax: insert_recordset myTable (myNum,mySum)
select myNum, sum(myValue) from anotherTable group 

by myNum where myNum <= 100;
AX Example: See class method SysLicenseCodeReadFile.handleDomainLicenseChanges().
update_recordsetUsed  to update multiple records in one database call. 
Useful to initialize fields in a fast way.
The fields updated are specified after thekeyword setting.
Syntax: update_recordset myTable setting field1 = myTable.field1 * 1.10;
AX Example: See class method ProdUpdHistoricalCost.postScrap().

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