Tuesday, July 24, 2018

SysOperation Framework

SysOperation Framework formerly known as (Business Operation Framework) provides a way  to create and run our operations on a batch server. Previously in earlier versions of  Ax 2009  RunBaseBatch framework was used.

The only reason that i have understand of the introduction of SysOperation in Ax 2012 is that, in previous version RunBaseBatch provides the implementation of the actions required for the operation to be run on server.But SysOperation provides the BASE implementation of all the implementation that were before.So it means that there is a fair chance of extending in future versions as well.For more information you can MSDN 🙂

Here is the list ,i will be covering as a part of SysOperation Framework in AX 2012

  1. DataContract and Service Creation  
  2. SysOperationServiceController
  3. Attribute based Customization and Code base Customization via UI Builder

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