Wednesday, July 11, 2018

SSRS Report using Controller class , Contract class and RDP class in Ax 2012 R2 & Validates fromDate and ToDate Value

Hi All,

Today I would like to share you ,  how to create SSRS report using Controller, Contract and RDP class in AX 2012 R2?

Step 1:

Create new Temp Table . Ex: VendTransTemp with below listed table.

Step 2 :

Create a New Class . Ex: SRDemoDP which extends SRSReportDataProviderBase


class SRDemoDP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
    SRDemoContract contract;
    VendTransTemp  vendTransTmp;
public VendTransTemp getTmpVendTransDetails()
    select * from vendTransTmp;
    return vendTransTmp;
public void processReport()

     Query query;

    QueryRun qRun;

    QueryBuildRange qbr,qbr1;

    VendTrans    vendTrans;

    AccountNum vendAccountNum;

    date fromDate,toDate;

    contract = this.parmDataContract() as SRDemoContract;




     query =  new Query();

    qRun = new QueryRun(query);


        vendTrans = qRun.get(tableNum(VendTrans));









Step 3:
Create a New Class . Ex: SRDemoContract class which implements SysOperationValidatable Interface .
class SRDemoContract implements SysOperationValidatable


AccountNum vendAccountNum;
TransDate formDate,toDate;



public FromDate parmfromDate(TransDate _formDate = formDate)


formDate= _formDate;
return formDate;

 public ToDate parmtoDate(TransDate _toDate = toDate)


toDate= _toDate;
return toDate;



public AccountNum parmVendAccountNum(AccountNum _vendAccountNum = vendAccountNum)

vendAccountNum= _vendAccountNum;
return vendAccountNum;


public boolean validate()
 boolean isValid = true;

if (!formDate)

isValid = checkFailed("From Date should be entered");

}  if (!toDate)
isValid = checkFailed("To Date should be entered");

if (isValid && (formDate > toDate))
isValid = checkFailed(strfmt("From Date should be less than or equal to To Date", date2StrUsr(formDate, DateFlags::FormatAll), date2StrUsr(toDate, DateFlags::FormatAll)));

return isValid;


Step 4:

Create a New Class . Ex: SSRSDemoController class which extends SRSReportRunController.

class SSRSDemoController extends SrsReportRunController
protected void prePromptModifyContract()

VendTable vendTable;

SRDemoContract contract;

FormDataSource fds;
//get the reference of the current contract object

contract = this.parmReportContract().parmRdpContract() as SRDemoContract;




public static client void main(Args args)
//define the new object for controller class
SSRSDemoController ssrsDemoController;
ssrsDemoController = new SSRSDemoController();

//pass the caller args to the controller
//set the report name and report design to run

//execute the report


Step 5:

Design the report in Visual studio. Add the report to AOT and deploy it

Step 6:

Create Output menuitem for the SSRs Report

Step 7:

Create action menuitem for the controller class . Ex: SSRSDemoController

Step 8 :

Add the menuitem to VendorTableListPage form

Step 9:

Click Vendor Transaction Report Button . A Parameter window open with the selected vendor Account Number.

    Ouput :

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