Tuesday, July 24, 2018

How to use JumpRef method in AX 2012

JumpRef method is mostly used with fields which are not linked with an EDT however,  
this depends on the design of the code and the requirement.

I got a requirement to show 'View Details' options to the field of type notes (memo). 
There can be multiple ways to accomplish it but its always better to have your code 
at a central location (best to have it in Class or at table level) to reuse it.

JumpRef method can be overridden at form level under control itself but we are not going 
to do [avoid code changes at form level]

Better to override JumpRef method at datasource field level and call method from table.

JumpRef Method:

public void jumpRef()


PerformJumpRef method at table

static void peformJumpRef(Notes _notes)
    MenuFunction    menuFunction;
    Args            args = new Args();
    DocumentNotes   documentNotes; // This is the table of the master where view details option will take you. 
Change table name here, this is just for sample
    if (_notes)
        documentNotes = DocumentNotes::find(_notes);
    menuFunction = new MenuFunction(menuitemDisplayStr(DocumentNotes), MenuItemType::Display);

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